Understand your body holistically.

Personalized clinical nutrition and lifestyle coaching aimed to restore balance to the body and mind.

Hi, I’m Taylor.

I’m a board-certified functional nutritionist and integrative health coach with 10+ years of healthcare experience.

I believe in:

  • Root Cause Care
    The most effective care targets why imbalances initially developed. 

  • Holistic Integration
    The body and mind are physiologically connected.

  • Weight Neutrality
    It’s your body and your choice how to discuss it.


Gut Health

Management of chronic conditions and undiagnosed symptoms, including IBD, IBS, SIBO, acid reflux, food sensitivities, histamine intolerance, and leaky gut.

Stress & Mood Disorders

Chronic, low-grade stress impacts your body physiologically, leading to symptoms of burnout - and intensifying disorders like anxiety and depression.

Nervous System Regulation

Learn how the body and mind communicate and influence your health. This understanding brings you control.

Wellness Coaching

You want a healthier lifestyle, but don’t know where to start. We’ll build a sustainable routine suited to your unique needs.



Denver, CO